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Welcome to 2021

Amanda Mason

Now we have reached the end of the year - and, we hope, the beginning of the end of Covid - we just wanted to thank all of you for your support in these tough times. You’re all an essential part of this project. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to join up on the website.

No cinema yet - but a lot of hard work is going into bringing an opening much closer. This is what’s been done so far this year to make that happen:

  • In September nearly 500 of you publicly backed the application for work on the cinema - an unprecedented approval level - and the planning application was granted.

  • By October more than a thousand of you completed our survey. This helps hugely in developing and shaping the project while also informing and underpinning our funding applications.

  • Oliver Meek, who’s successfully run the Rio cinema in Dalston, has agreed to programme and operate a pop-up cinema in the Old Library. This will be the first public function in the building, and a good ‘meanwhile’ until Covid restrictions allow full conversion work.

  • Following several meetings with Ealing Council the heads of terms on the lease were agreed in November.

  • Details are still being hammered out but the lease should be signed early in the New Year.

That’s when we’ll launch our second Spacehive campaign. The first has helped us through the mountain of planning and legal work. The second will be aimed at funding the kit-out of the pop-up cinema. So, yes we’ll need people to put their hands in their pockets again in hard times.

And we’ll need hands for some hard work inside the Old Library.

The building has been largely neglected for six years now. We’ll be looking for volunteers in January to help with the clear-out and clean-up, so If you fancy some exercise beyond another circuit of Acton Park - join us. A broom, dustpan and bin bags would be handy. You’ll be very welcome!

Good health, keep safe -

and happy New year

from all of us at Acton Arts.

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