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Spacehive success!

Amanda Mason

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

We have some fantastic news - we reached our target!  Our Spacehive campaign has been a huge success, thanks to all of you who took the time to make a pledge. 

The monies will be collected via PayPal or Go-cardless before the end of this month. You will get notice from Spacehive before anything happens.  

This positive community support is enormously helpful as it makes it extremely likely the GLA will match the money pledged.  We expect to hear more about  the first stage of our application to the Good Growth fund this month.

It was great to see so many people at the public meeting on 7th November, in St Mary’s Church. We very much enjoyed all the contributions – and were delighted to introduce our partner Sam Neophytou of Arthouse Crouch End cinema.  We are planning more public meetings in the New Year to keep everyone informed as the project progresses.  

Our current focus is getting the main lease drawn up with Ealing, followed by the two leases with our partners. There has been a pre-planning meeting and we have already started the process towards planning permission.

The Old Library is the new hope on the High Street in Acton

We would never have got this far without our supporters and friends who have had such a major role in the success of this project to date. 

Happy holidays and seasons greetings from all of us at the Acton Arts Project. 

December 2019

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