Our local cinema in a disused library on Acton High St is almost ready to open thanks to crowdfunding and a fabulous band of community volunteers. We have been in communication with Virgin Media since April of this year to get high speed broadband installed - essential for the technical operation of the cinema. There have been EIGHT appointments booked resulting in EIGHT no-shows. We are now facing a delayed opening because of Virgin.
Virgin claim they need to book parking bays to do the work but there are NO bays near the building AND we have our own parking spaces which we have repeatedly offered them.
Please help us to get them to give us our broadband in time!
Please email Virgin media at the following addresses:
And most importantly copy the following people: Mr Lutz Schüler Chief Executive Email lutz.schueler@virginmedia.co.uk Ms Rachel Barrass Director of Customer Services Email rachel.barrass@virginmedia.co.uk Virgin Media Business Limited Mr Peter Kelly Managing Director Email peter.kelly@virginmedia.co.uk
Thank you
